What happened to the month of April?

Can’t believe it was early March the last time I posted.  Where have I been? What have I been doing to further my writing? These are questions I’ve asked myself, and happily, I have answers:
1. Revising a new picture book manuscript and cover letter.
2. Researching potential publishing houses and editors for it.
3. Sending it out.
4. Patiently waiting for responses.
5. Taking an online writing class through Stanford’s Writer’s Workshop series called Writing the Lives of Others (biography). Writing a lot of biographical sketches! Critiquing a lot of biographical sketches! 
6. Learning a ton about my writing voice.
7. Tossing around an idea for a nonfiction older picture book including mini-biographies of Pedro Panes called Leaving Home: Individual Memories of a Shared Moment in Time.
8. Enjoying a stellar family vacation on Provo (Turks & Caicos Islands). (Not writing, but re-energizing!)
9.  Researching and writing an article about potcake dogs – feral dogs living on Turks and Caicos Islands. (See, a writing opportunity comes from experiencing a new environment!)
10. Revising my middle grade historical fiction novel based upon a professional critique.  This is very hard work!!
11. Preparing a presentation for Marquette Senior High School American History classes on Holy Family Orphans’ Home and Operation Pedro Pan. 
I’m sure your list is full, too! Care to share how you’ve furthered your writing this past month?